Labour Shadow Cabinet Bbc

As news of shadow cabinet resignations came in, mr trickett, one of jeremy corbyn's most senior backers in the parliamentary labour party, told the bbc news channel: "if they want to have a. Deputy leader of the labour party, shadow deputy prime minister and shadow secretary of state for international development: harriet harman shadow chancellor of the exchequer: ed balls shadow. Here is a full list of labour's shadow cabinet, following a reshuffle by jeremy corbyn. leader of the opposition - jeremy corbyn deputy leader and shadow culture, media and sport secretary - tom.

The veteran labour mp for islington north was elected party leader with nearly 60% of the vote in the wake of the party's 2015 election defeat. a left-winger first elected to parliament in 1983. Labour mps have backed a proposal to allow them to elect members of the party's shadow cabinet. the proposed rule change will now go to the party's executive for approval. it was suggested by mp. Labour mps have rejected a move to allow the new party leader to choose who serves in the shadow cabinet. instead the party will revert to its usual practice in opposition, whereby a ballot of mps.

labour shadow cabinet bbc